
Natural Diabetes Cures

It's not  unusual that diabetes is thought of as one of the most deadly diseases that we're living with today. Diabetes is the primary cause of blindness among adults in the U.S.. Thousands of people are blinded each year because of this disease. Hundreds of thousands of limb amputations have been performed on diabetic patients in order to save their lives. Most of the patients in hospitals that are waiting for liver transplants, need the transplant because diabetes has ravaged their own. And, diabetes, left untreated, can lead to impotency, nerve loss, hypertension, and many more serious diseases.

In the normal course of events, when a person is told by his doctor that he has diabetes, his doctor will prescribe one or more pharmaceutical drugs to help them control their disease. But many people are looking for natural diabetes cures as well. Here are a few that have been used through the centuries:

Bitter gourd - this is a tropical plant, also known as bitter melon or kerela. Originally grown in Southeast Asia, China, and Africa.  You can find it in most health stores. Some health articles recommend taking one tablespoon of bitter gourd daily, on an empty stomach, to reduce your blood glucose levels. Alternatively, you can cook it and eat it as a vegetable along with your meal.

Cinnamon - the dried and ground bark has been used as a natural diabetes treatment for centuries. Diabetics have trouble processing the glucose in their body. In trials, cinnamon seems to help the body's fat cells utilize the glucose in the bloodstream which is why it appears to be so effective. Anything that helps the body to process glucose will be beneficial in normalizing blood glucose levels. 

Chromium supplements - some health experts theorize that the soil used to grow crops today is severely deficient in many of the trace elements that used to naturally reside in the earth. One of these is chromium, which in some tests has shown to provide diabetes patients with substantial improvement from their diabetes symptoms. Chromium is believed to help the body produce insulin as well as to help the insulin already in the body to perform at a greater level of efficiency. As of today, however, there has been no government regulated trials to test the effectiveness of chromium on diabetes.

Kino - This medicinal herb has been used in Indian medicines for diabetes treatment for a long time as a treatment for diabetes.

Exercise - type 2 diabetes has become a real epidemic in this country. Many health experts lay the problem directly on the combination of them eating too much fast foods and lack of exercise. A theory, that many doctors subscribe to, is that too much body fat leads to diabetes in those that have a family history of diabetes. They believe that it is something about the excess fat that triggers the inability of the body to produce insulin or to use that insulin to process the foods they eat.

There's no doubt that tested pharmaceutical drugs are effective in treating diabetes. With natural herbs and supplements, however, there's usually no documented history of their effectiveness. Therefore, before taking any herbal treatment for diabetes, make sure you talk it over with your primary health care physician first.


The Truth About Macrobiotic Diets & Health

Macrobiotic Diet's History: A Macrobiotic Diet is a natural approach to health and healing. Although it is manily known as a balanced diet, it is actually a way of life that involves every area of human activity in the search of personal growth, and body, mind and spirit transformation, because the food we eat not only sustains life, but also underlies our health and happiness.

Sagen Ishizuka, a japanese army doctor that lived around the end of the last century was who first establiched a theory of nutrition and medicine based on the traditional oriental diet. 

He was a sick man that suffered from kidney and skin desease, so in order to restore his health he sudied extensively both western and eastern medicine, and compiled his lifelong study conclutions in two books: "Chemical Theory of Longevity" (published in 1896) and "Diet for Health" (published in 1898)

He cured thousands of patiens by having them eat a traditional diet based on brown rice, and a variety of land and sea vegetables, and his healing technique was based on the recognition of the following five principles:

1. Foods are the foundation of health and happines
2. Sodium and potassium are the primary antagonistic and complementary elements in food, and they most strongly determine ist character or "ying yang" quality
3. Grain is the staple food of man
4. Food should be unrefined, whole and natural
5. Food should be grown locally and eaten in season 

Macrobiotic diets in its modern form was first spread through the world by Mr. George Ohwasa (1897 - 1966), that after becoming acquainted with this way of thinking (he learned it from two of Mr Ishizuka's disciples: Manabu Nishibata and Shojiro Goto) at the age of eighteen in several months cured himself of a number "incurable" sickness, including a terminal tuberculosis.

When Mr Ohwasa established his own organization, he devoted himself more to the teaching of the yina and yang philosophy rather than the direct treatment of the sick. 

Macrobiotic Diets And Health 

In Greek, macro means: "big or great" and biotic means: "concerning life" so the word refers to the big view of life, and it invites us to learn the underlying unity of nature. 

The macrobiotic diet approach to healing simply involves providing the proper material and allowing the body to heal itself, though it is not parimarily a diet for curing sichnes or a new fad, it is a way of life based on the understanding of the rhythm, the ebb and flow of nature, it is a way of living towards happiness.

A macrobiotic diet can be used as a method of dealing with symptomatic health problems, or it can become your way of eating. As a matter of fact many of the macrobiotic diet healing methods are only effective if you change your way of eating to a macrobiotic diet. 

However, some of the macrobiotic diet's healing methods are so poweful that anyone can be helped with them (although only temporarily). But if you start eating macrobiotically you will stop needing the symptomatic treatements, because your daily way of eating will gradually eliminate the toxins and excesses from your body (although you can use the symptomatic treatements to speed up the healing process).

Oriental doctors have used herbs, acupuncture, homeopatic preparations and related techniques for thousands of years to deal with symptoms and sickness, and they always considered the daily diet as the basic tool to approach health problems.

The modern medicine and dieatary principles is changing every year. New techniques and new medications are introduced every year while others are abandoned in an endless dance where many of those medicaments have found to have side effects (or even produce new sickness) and year after year they become more and more expensive.

But the main difference between traditional and modern medicine, is that modern medicine looks for the active chemical ingredients that might be used to produce tablets, but do not consider the nutritional 

ingredients (such as vitamins or protein contents) or the acids and enzymes, as part of the healing properties of natural products. 

Macrobiotic Diets And KI 

When a food item is considered as a possible medication, an oriental doctor will always consider the energy of that food (also called KI), and this energy can be different in two foods that are chemically identical and for example they have a different shape. 

KI in Japan, CHI in China or GEE in Korea, could be translated as "electromagnetic charge" or "vibration" and oriental doctors have studied for centuries what kind of ki each food item is made of, and what kind of ki-energy produce in our body when we consume them.

Following the same line of thought, they tried to understand symptoms and sickness as ki patterns, and developed ways to influence it through the use of shiatsu, moxibustion, energy healing, acupuncture, herbal medicine and so on. 

Oriental cultures, sciences, medicines, philosophies and religions, know since thousands of years ago that everything that exists is ki. 

Everything is energy, waves, vibration. And the difference between the material world and the spiritual world is only a difference in the ki density.


Intestinal Parasites Natural Remedies and Herbal Treatment

Usually intestinal parasites are caused by two major types of intestinal parasites called protozoa or helminths. Protozoa are single cell organism and it has characteristics to multiply within the body. Helminths do not multiply in human body. This means this parasite do not re infects you and usually it clear up with the proper treatment. The most common types of helminths are round worms and tapeworms.

Some of the major symptoms of parasites are diarrhea, weight loss, passing a worm in your stool, fatigue or weakness, stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting and gas or bloating.

It is very important to consult some physician to solve this problem of parasites. Sometimes various tests are also required to reduce the problem of parasites. Some natural remedies are also very beneficial to reduce the problem of parasites. For the treatment of parasites some herbs, supplements and also some dietary recommendations are helpful. Some of the important natural remedy:

1. The herb goldenseal is very helpful in the treatment of parasites. It contains an active constituent called berberine which is active against Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and also plasmodium.

2. A traditional herb wormseed is a traditional herbal remedy especially in the tropics to expel hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms. Usually many herbalists prefer to consider wormseed tea as concentrated wormseed oil is too potent to use.

3. A folk herbal remedy black walnut is used for ringworm and athlete's foot. For the problem of parasites the juice of unripe hulls of black walnut arte used. But for intestinal parasites there have been no clinical studies on the effectiveness or safety of black walnut.

4. For intestinal parasites, herb wormwood has been used for centuries as its herbal remedy. It contains sesquiterpene lactones which is helpful to weaken the parasite membranes. Worm wood can be found in the liquid extract, tea and in capsule form. Pure oil of worm wood is considered to be toxic which should not be ingested.

5. For the remedy of tapeworms and roundworms one of the traditional remedy is the pumpkin seeds. For its use the seeds are often mashed and mixed with juice. A laxative is often recommended after 2-3 hours of the intake of pumpkin seeds which help to clean the intestine.

6. You must avoid coffee, alcohol, refined foods and refined sugar. Try to eat ant-parasitic foods, foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc as they support the immune system.


Alternative herbal medicine for:diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, menopause..

What is Alternative Medicine? The term "Alternative Medicine" is used to describe herbal medicine. People used to consider practices like these out side the mainstream, which is why they got the name 'Alternative." Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of the standard care. Standard care is what medical Doctors, therapists, allied health professionals, such as registered nurses and health professionals use. Complementary medicine means non-standard treatments that you use along with standard ones
Alternative Medicine is as old as the human race. In the beginning, when man was created, he was given free access to use the "Herbs" that were created by God for food and medicinal use. Eastern countries have long been using traditional methods of treating their health problems and diseases. Oriental countries like: China and India and far east countries like: Egypt and ancient Babylon have all used alternative herbal medicine to treat health problems.
What is Herbal Medicine? "Herbal Medicine" also called Botanicals and. A herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavor or therapeutic properties. Herbal medicine products are dietary food, supplements or properties that people take to improve their health. Many herbs have been used for a long time for claimed health benefits. They are sold as tablets, capsules, teas, extracts and fresh or dried. However, some are not effective and some may interact with other drugs you are taking. It is always wise to consult or inform your Doctor about your use of herbal medicine.
Doctors, health professionals and patients in western countries are becoming more receptive to learning and using alternative and herbal medicine to treat and reverse their health problems. As a result, many western medical schools are now teaching alternative treatments, techniques and theories. Some hospitals and Doctors are now supplementing their regular medical care with alternative and herbal techniques and treatments.
Micronutra alternative herbal medicine made by real Doctors has led the way in producing high quality herbal products to help reverse many known chronic diseases. Many people with long term chronic illnesses have been using Micronutra herbal products with amazing results. These products are effective in reversing the root causes of : diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, menopause, fatigue, asthma, arthritis, stress, sex problems in men and women, acid reflux, lupus, allergies, yeast infection, weight loss, cholesterol and immune system. Micronutra herbal medicine has made a difference in the lives of many people. Why not learn more about Micronutra medicine and see if these products can help you in your health problems?

Determine now! And Say Yes To Carrots

At LuckyVitamin we believe that in selling simply the best nutrients for hair and body. We source our products from trustworthy businesses who have an amazing variety of health and skin supplements for you personally to choose from. You will find a variety of goods such as Natures Plus, Five Hour Energy, and Keurig.
All of us need to take care of our bodies, to be able to remain healthy. These days with take away food gaining recognition, we frequently do not get the proper nutrition from our food. Consequently it is impetrative that we purchase good herbal alternatives. Nutritional supplements are important for keeping a healthy life style.
There are lots of great herbal remedies available, like, Ubiquinol, Saint Johns Wort, Acidophilus and Labrada. To remain healthy we require to include not only the remedies we drink but also the supplements which are essential for good hair and skin.
Such a company today is Yes To Carrots. They spread happiness via the undeniable power of YES! And among the methods they accomplish that is by utilizing delicious goods filled with skin-enriching vitamins to nourish your skin as well as hair. With the added ingredient of a unique mineral elixir from the Dead Sea that will assist lock in the magic. This is how Yes To, came about.
LuckyVitamin, carry the complete range. This includes hair skin and facial moisturizers with 15 SPF for all kinds of skins. And also the good news is the fact that it protects your skin against the sun and the UVA/UVB rays while at the same time soothes and hydrates. These minerals added from the Dead Sea, seals in all the goodness with the intent to create you feel truly incredible.
The Important Ingredients are Organic Carrots rich in Beta-Carotene, Pumpkin Seed Oil that is packed with beta-carotene and Vitamins A & E and Zinc Oxide, this is a mineral that protects from UVA and UVB rays.
You can shop till you drop with all these fantastic products like Nourishing Daily Cream Facial Cleanser.This is 96% natural and made from organic carrots, aloe vera and shea butter. These ingredients are what make it the cream from the crop in facial cleansing luxury.
Founded in 2006, Yes To, is a consumers -inspired range of hair and skin solutions to combat any type of skin. Yes To, was born out of a desire to make woman really feel pleased and radiant, with a well looked after and well toned smooth skin.
With all of the suggestions at the online store LuckyVitamin,you have the recipe for radiant health and skin plus doing a Digestive Cleanse and eating a wholesome diet. You are able to look good, and stick to an eating plan with the assistance of Appetite Suppressants. The option is yours - say Yes To - a more beautiful you.


New Apple Ingredient Discovery Keeps Muscles Strong!

Natural Component of Apple Peels Found To Help Prevent Muscle Weakening 

In search of an effective method to prevent muscle wasting that comes with illness and aging, researchers have located a natural compound that is very promising. 

The findings reported in the June issue of Cell Metabolism (a Cell Press publication), identify a natural component of apple peels known as Ursolic Acid as a promising newnutritional therapy for the widespread and debilitating condition that affects nearly everyone at one time or another. 

"Muscle wasting is a frequent companion of illness and aging," explained researchers from The University of Iowa, Iowa City. "It prolongs hospitalization, delays recoveries and in some cases prevents people going back home. It isn't well understood and there is no medicine for it." 
The research team first looked at what happens to gene activity in muscles under conditions that promote weakening. Those studies turned up 63 genes that change in response to fasting in both people and mice and another 29 that shift their expression in the muscles of both people who are fasting and those with spinal cord injury. Comparison of those gene expression signatures to the signatures of cells treated with more than 1300 bio-active small molecules led them to ursolic acid as a compound with effects that might counteract those of atrophy. 

"Ursolic Acid is an interesting natural compound," they said. "It's part of a normal diet as a component of apple peels. They always say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away..." 

The researchers next gave Ursolic Acid to fasted laboratory subjects. Those experiments showed that ursolic acid could protect against muscle weakening as predicted. When ursolic acid was added to the food of normal subjects for a period of weeks, their muscles grew. Those effects were traced back to enhanced insulin signaling in muscle and to corrections in the gene signatures linked to atrophy. 
The subjects given ursolic acid also became leaner and had lower blood levels of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. The findings therefore suggest that ursolic acid may be responsible for some of the overall benefits of healthy eating. 

"We know if you eat a balanced diet like mom told us to eat you get this material," the researchers explained "People who eat junk food don't get this." 

It is not yet clear whether the findings will translate to human patients, but the goal now is to "figure out if this can help people." If so, they don't yet know whether Ursolic Acid at levels that might be consumed as part of a normal diet might or might not be enough.