
Deliver Stress A Terminal Kick With Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies have been used by humans for hundreds of years. Some of the treatments that we use today were based on natural materials. Herbal remedies are a very effective treatment for many conditions, including stress.
Introduction: Homeopathic Philosophy
Herbal remedies for stress have become prevalent in the last few years. The world is a busy place and people find themselves constantly having to juggle work and personal commitments. This inevitably leads to stress. Stress itself can be a killer as it leads to chemical reactions within the body that can be harmful. Some will resort simply with going to the doctor to be prescribed conventional drug treatments. Some would prefer more natural methods and in recent times there has been an upsurge in herbal and homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is controversial as most compounds are predominantly water. The philosophy behind it suggests, however, that as symptoms are the body's attempt to achieve balance, minute quantities of compounds which induce the symptoms, will in effect, boost the immune system.
Herbs are Chemicals Too!
The common faith behind this trust in herbal remedies is that they are natural, trusted for centuries and will have fewer side effects than conventional drug therapies. Yet many of the herbal remedies for stress are related, if not the active ingredient, for the synthetic counterparts: valerian root for instance, a common substitute for sleeping pills, forms the basis of valium!
If They are Chemicals What Do They Do?
Like the synthetic drugs many herbal remedies aid in altering the chemical reactions throughout the body. Some act as sedatives and tranquillizers, whilst others are mood enhancers. Hops, for example, is commonly used to aid sleep; as is chamomile, but this can also be used to boost the immune system during periods of depression. Skull Cap, and strangely Cat Nip is used to calm the brain down. Whereas Rhodiola can be multifunctional: it's classed as an adaptogenic herb and can be used in regulating the heart, as well as improving the serotonin levels and thus suppressing the depression causing chemicals in the brain. It's also an aphrodisiac, perhaps something that may also improve the mood. St John's Wort is a popular alternative to conventional anti-depressants, although it should be checked with a health professional before using, as adverse reactions are known to occur when taken with other medications.
Other Uses For The Herbs
If still concerned about ingesting strange herbal substances remember herbs like Lavender are very popular in aromatherapy, either in an oil burner or added to a bath. Other fragrances such as Rose are so said to have a calming effect when used in this manner. However, when in doubt exercise, a good diet and plenty of relaxation activities, used in conjunction with what ever other remedies suit, will no doubt help in relieving stress.
Herbal remedies have been used by humans for hundreds of years. Some of the treatments that we use today were based on natural materials. Herbal remedies are a very effective treatment for many conditionsComputer Technology Articles, including stress.


Natural Supplements to Improve Brain Memory Fast

There are lots of natural supplements to improve brain memory on the market. They are very in demand lately because more and more people every day are looking to improve their memory and their cognitive function. There is a common misconception that especially older people need natural supplements to improve brain memory. In fact, they can be used by people of all ages because improving memory is helpful at all times. The more care you take of your cognitive functions, the higher are the chances of preserving them up to a respectable age. Natural supplements to improve brain memory don't necessarily have to be used by people who have already noticed they have memory losses. They can also be used in order to prevent such things from happening.

Natural supplements to improve brain memory are safe to be used by anybody because they are made of exclusively natural ingredients. Most of the ingredients are extracts from plants which are known for their positive impact on the brain activity. Natural supplements to improve memory can also contain minerals and vitamins that support the memory function. Herbs that are used for making the natural supplements to improve memory are having properties like increasing the blood flow or toning the nerves. Brain cells function best when they are nourished, so memory can be improved as long as enough nutrients reach the brain through the bloodstream.

Gingko biloba and ginseng are the most renowned herbs which are being used in natural remedies to improve memory. Their main action consists in increasing blood flow. They also rejuvenate the entire human body and the cognitive system implicitly and they are recommended in the treatment and prevention of circulatory problems or heart disease. Gingko is a very efficient remedy in the prevention of Alzheimer disease. In fact, all natural supplements to improve memory are having some effect in stopping the development of this disease. Other herbs that can be found in herbal supplements to improve brain memory are rosemary, black pepper, red clover and club moss.

Natural supplements to improve brain memory often include Omega-3 fatty acids. These are very important for our overall health condition and part of their effect on the human body include improving the brain memory. They can be found in fish, but since most of the people consume less fish that they should, they are included in natural remedies to improve brain memory.


Arnica Montana Health Benefits

Arnica Montana is a herb which has been used from the oldest of times to cure wounds. Starting in the 16th century this herb has been used In North America, Germany and Russia due to its anti-inflammatory and calming effects. It should not be confused with Arnica Chamissonis, which is not a medicinal herb, but a decorative one.

The active compounds contained by arnica are its volatile oil, carotenoids, flavornoids, and triterpenic alcohol. Its roots contain volatile oil (0.5 – 1.5 %), caffeic acid, inuline, thymol, and saccharose.

Arnica has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, decongestive and antifungal properties. It also stimulates the forming the granular tissues and thus accelerating the healing process. It eliminates micro-organisms and keeps bacteria and pathogenic funguses from multiplying. The arnica flowers are used for treating the pale face skin complexion, wounds, bruises and burns. It should be noted however that the arnica flowers are not harmless because the arnica tincture can be an irritant when applied locally on skin or even internally in small doses can provoke gastro-enteritis or the paralysis of central nerve system. Other medicinal uses of this herb involve the treatment of bruises, dislocations, bacterial infections, skin cancer, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, flu, lung virosis, cystitis, nephritis, kidney infections, coronary insufficiencies, hypertension, breastplate angina, cerebral trauma, headaches, paresis, semiparesis, insomnia, heart palpitations, nightmares, night terrors, moral depressions, neurosis, hysteria etc.

The mixtures from arnica are the following:
- Tincture – recommended in cases of trauma, sprains, and wounds by applying a compress on the affected area.
- Oil;
- Powder;
- Ointments based on arnica and black bryony – have the same usages as the other products containing arnica. Arnica creams are renowned for their ability of treating acne.


Help Your Immune System Fight Diseases With Natural Health Medicine

The benefits of taking care of yourself are some of the rewards you get from knowing that you are doing the best for your body. This includes the most important part of your body--the part which is in fact a mechanism that protects your body: your immune system.

Your immune system protects you against viruses, bacteria, and toxins. And to ensure that your body keeps doing all these things and more, you need to take good care of it. This includes taking precautions against diseases; and helping your body when you do get infected with diseases.

That is why only the best will do. Before you begin to incorporate a natural health lifestyle into your everyday life, you should first start to learn what options are available for you.

Natural health medicine is one of part of the pool of many medicines available in the natural health market. Because of its natural, anti-bacterial effects, many people are using in favor of traditional medicine to cure their illnesses.

Natural health medicine is good in that it has a harmonious effect. It does not act as a drug, but more as a supplement for all your bodies needs. You know that you are giving your body the best of that nature has to offer; rather than bombarding it with chemicals that will harm it as much as help it.

Natural health medicine does not cause drowsiness and it works with the body to help you get better. The most-praised element of natural health medicine is that it is made from natural ingredients. And these ingredients enhance your body's effectiveness to work for you.

When you know what is at stake, you understand that natural health medicine can give you that ultra boost you need to get your body in the best defenses shape possible.

In addition to everything else, you will not suffer side-effects when you take natural health medicine; instead, the medicine will help your body to heal without harming it simultaneously.


Can Herbs Cure Sinusitis?

When a sinus infection attacks, it can linger for weeks and not only cause physical symptoms, but emotional distress. Faced with a flood of over the counter medications, many consumers are opting for herbal remedies to treat sinusitis.

It's more than just a runny nose or a headache that won't go away. When sinusitis strikes, your entire body is fatigued and it seems as if it's a common cold that you can't get rid of. In reality, your sinuses are in need of an herbal treatment to repair the damage being done to your body and set you on a path to wellness.

The National Center for Health Statistics says that sinusitis is the single most common disorder affecting American today. Herbal remedies treat the symptoms, including congestion, headaches, and pressure in the head.

Unlike a viral or bacterial infection, sinusitis just means that your sinuses are inflamed. Herbs can help cause the sinuses to return to normal quicker, since many sinus infections last for three months or longer.

Doctors will generally prescribe antibiotics, but they do nothing to prepare the body against a recurring attack. Plus, they tend to compromise the amount of good bacteria living in your sinuses to help ward off infection. Herbs, on the other hand, provide a natural balance to your body and enable it to get stronger and fight off infection for good.

The key to beating and keeping sinus infections at bay is to get your immune system healthy. Echinacea is one herbal immune booster that helps with inflammation and protects your mucus membranes from being pierced by infectious bacteria. A single capsule of 150-300 mg or 1 teaspoon fluid extract mixed with 1 cup of water is sufficient to treat your sinuses.

Goldenseal is another natural herbal remedy used to treat sinus infections. Its immune-enhancing properties help with the natural flow of mucus, helping your body get rid of toxins that are slowing you down. You can start treatment with a 250-500 mg capsule or 1 teaspoon of fluid extract combined with a cup of water.

Two other herbs commonly used to treat sinus infections are nettle and licorice, using the same doses as in Goldenseal treatments. Regardless of which herb you use to treat your own sinus infection, make sure you take every available precaution to fortify your immune system so that your body has it in it to fight off infection the next time it's faced with an unfriendly bacterial infection...


7 Best Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss and baldness, is a cause of worry for many, as this condition may also affect self-esteem. This condition is defined as a partial or total loss of hair on the scalp. While it is normal for a healthy scalp to shed old hair, baldness is caused when it fails to grow new hair. If you find that your hair is thinning, there are some techniques you can use to prevent hair loss as well as disguise your hair loss.

1. Eat healthy to avoid hair loss and to boost the growth of healthy hair. A proper and balanced diet can provide you with all the necessary nutrients for hair growth and even reverse hair loss in those who are deprived of proper nutrition. The diet should have high levels of lean protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc. Drink lots of water, at least eight glasses of water per day are needed. You may also take daily vitamin and mineral supplements.

2. WomenToWomen.com recommends phytotherapy for menopause hair loss. Phytotherapy is the use of natural extracts such as herbs to treat health issues. This is considered alternative medicine. If you are nutritionally deficient, this may make your hair loss worse. Improve your diet. Stress can also takes its toll on your hair. Learn to control your stress and this may save your hair.

3. For herbal remedies, you can have a final rinse of apple cider vinegar and sage tea to stimulate hair growth. Licorice extract may also prevent hair loss. Horsetail is another option since it is rich in silica. Just put 2 tablespoons of horsetail in 4 ounces of hot water and add it to your baby shampoo. Massaging your scalp daily with stinging nettle, birch, horsetail and rosemary may also stimulate hair growth. It also disinfects the scalp and increases blood circulation in the head area. Tea made from raspberry and blackberry leaves may also be drank or applied to scalp to stimulate the growth of hair.

4. There is another home remedy that can help you prevent baldness. You can prepare a paste by making use of red gram and pigeon pea and apply the paste in the bald areas of your head. Usually, the red gram is used as an ingredient for preparing a number of home remedies to nourish your hair.

5. Regular exercise is always advisable for all humans and it is also good for preventing baldness. Exercises can increase the blood circulation in the body and a hike in the scalp blood circulation is good for hair growth. Aerobic exercises are said to be beneficial in lowering the levels of androgens in the body, thereby preventing baldness.

6. Taking vitamin supplements can also help improve the condition of your hair. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to get a daily dose of vitamins C, E and A.

7. Another hair paste can be prepared at home by grinding and mixing fenugreek seeds with water. You must apply the pate on your scalp and leave it for sometime before rinsing it off with water.

Author Resource:- Author is an online medical researcher on hair loss treatment. Click read more on hair loss treatment, herbal treatment for hair loss.


Bye Cellulitis!!!

My wife and I will reach 40 years old this year (for the youngest, don't be afraid, it does not hurt :-), and we recently developed an interest towards alternative medicines to take care of our health and improve our general well being.

HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENTS: I chose acupuncture as homeopathic treatment, and my wife (it will be our 20th anniversary this year), phytotherapy and aromatherapy. Her first test: fight cellulitis. I found treatment recommendations in a reflexology book. In addition to plantar and palmar reflexology (feet massage and hands massage), the author recommends homeopathic treatments such as herb teas and preparations of ginger and juniper. (Green tea also brings great health benefits mainly because of the high content in antioxidants, but it is another subject)

RICIN OIL: Recommended essential oils are geranium essential oil, rosemary, grapefruit, juniper, and cypress extract for a massage with a luffa, the chosen essential oil being mixed with ricin oil (beaver oil, also called castor bean, ricinus communis, or Palma Christi). Beaver oil is recommended for various applications in the famous psychics Edgar Cayce's readings. Edgar Cayce is a famous American psychic that lived in the early years of the 20th century well known for its miraculous healing using ricin oil, but again, it is another subject).

ESSENTIAL OILS CURE: Thus, I went to my natural foods shop with the intention to buy one or more recommended essential oils to begin essential oils treatments, but a nice clerk showed me a mixture specially design to fight cellulites. The essential oils are ready to use for cellulitis massage. The product is a ready to use formula. It is a mixture of Cedrus atlantica, Cupressus sempervirens, Melaleuca quinqunervia, CT1 cineole, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Helichrysum italicum. The essential oils must be diluted in ricin oil prior to massage of the cellulitis.

NATURAL FAT BURNER: I also bought bromelain capsules (pineapple bromelain), a source of pineapple enzymes, and a natural fat burner. It is more useful than eating a pineapple a day!

LYMPH CLEANING: Finally, lymph cleaning is also advised. I bought a nutritional supplement, in liquid form, containing beet, alfafa, baccharis, Tayuya, Maylenus illicifora, cider vinegar and Jurubeba.

If you find that this is not enough, then finish with a bath with pink essential oil, accompanied by an essential oils diffuser.

We will see in a few weeks if this treatment helps in cellulitis treatment!

Hope it will be useful!


Safely and Naturally Banish Toxic Heavy Metals from Your Body

There are dozens of heavy metals that are common in our environment and diet, including mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, and others. Significant exposure can cause acute or chronic toxicity and can lead to numerous serious health problems such as cognitive and central nervous dysfunction, energy deficiency, and damage to vital organs. Over time, exposure can result in systemic, muscular and neurological degenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis among others. Heavy metal exposure can suppress immune function and damage DNA, paving the road for potential cancer development and other serious conditions over the long term.

It is important to understand the dangers of heavy metals and take protective measures against excessive exposure. Toxicity that is not treated, or treated inappropriately, can result in significant illness and reduced quality of life, so undergoing a natural chelation cleanse is important if you think you have been exposed via contaminated food, water, and/or environmental sources. There are several ways to complete a natural chelation cleanse, but an approach that includes nutrients which chelate heavy metals and toxins gently and gradually, will be the safest and most effective.

A tailored blend of modified citrus pectin (MCP) and seaweed-derived alginates is one combination that has been clinically proven to remove up to 74 percent of heavy metals within one to six months, without stripping your body of essential minerals. It is important to remember, however, that heavy metals accumulate over a long period of time and an effective chelation process will not happen overnight. Regular use of an MCP/alginate supplement comprises the initial phase of a proper detox protocol. After one to two months, a secondary phase ll detoxification formula with additional natural ingredients such as garlic and cilantro can be added to increase the effectiveness of your chelation program, by providing additional detox support and essential energy to the body. For more information about the health benefits of MCP/alginates, visit http://tinyurl.com/chelate.

Amino Acids
Sulfured amino acids such as cysteine and methionine are also helpful in chelation, as they play a critical role in binding and removing mercury and other metals. They are important for phase II detoxification and essential for the complete elimination of heavy metals by providing the ability to bind and remove them from deep within tissues and organs where they may have been stored over the long term.

Herbs and Botanicals
Using herbs in your regimen can also help to bring the detoxification process to life, offering you some momentum along with additional protection for your body through elimination support. It is important to choose compounds that are able to circulate and reach the areas of stagnation in the body where toxins may be deposited. Medicinal mushrooms are a good example of this critical mechanism. Learn more about various herbal remedies by visiting http://tinyurl.com/tibetanherb.

Another important strategy is using herbs which provide "adaptogenic" support, i.e. increasing your body's resistance to stress – an essential principle that is often overlooked in conventional detox programs. An example of an "adaptogenic" herb that can be used for this purpose is Astragalus, which also supports elimination, serving as a gentle diuretic. Similarly, herbal support to assist digestive elimination and promote liver discharge is always an important component in chelation and overall detoxification.

The reality is that heavy metals are everywhere – from aluminum in your antiperspirant to mercury in your tuna. While it is impossible to avoid exposure to heavy metals completely, you can protect yourself through safe, gentle chelation. Unlike intravenous therapy at a specialized clinic or oral chelation with harsh chemicals that deplete essential nutrients, nature provides you with ingredients to bind and eliminate toxins from the body without uncomfortable side effects. Learn more ways to help you clear your body of harmful heavy metals by downloading a complimentary wellness guide at